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Smart Phone permissions used by BeAware Bahrain App

  • Geo Location

    Geo location information is used for contact tracing and setting home location during the users COVID-19 home isolation which is later deleted after completion of isolation.

  • Physical activity data

    Physical activity data provides fine grained access to location information which helps with collecting more accurate location data for COVID-19 contact tracing which is later deleted.

  • Bluetooth

    Bluetooth information is required while user undergoes COVID-19 home isolation and has been provided with an electronic wrist band.

  • Calendar

    This feature is used to save the app users COVID-19 test appointment details to the users default phone calendar, so they are reminded of their on appointments.

  • Photos/Camera/Audio/Video

    Enables app users to upload photo and pictures of COVID-19 home isolation disputes request, report COVID-19 rapid test results, and take photos during home isolation time period. 

  • Download

    Enables app users to download COVID-19 Vaccine Certificate and PCR certificate.

  • Files in media/shared storage directories

    Enables app users to upload documents related COVID -19 home isolation disputes, reporting vaccine and other issues.

Why does BeAware Bahrain app use location information?

  • The BeAware Bahrain app Privacy Policy describes how we treat the app user information when using the BeAware Bahrain app, including location information.
  • This page provides additional information about the location information we collect and how the app user can control the permissions.
  • As citizens and residents, we both have a community and individual responsibility to ensure the safety and well-being of all.
  • BeAware Bahrain is a mobile application that assists efforts to contain and mitigate the spread of Corona Virus COVID-19 by advancing contact tracing efforts.
  • Location information assists with tracking users location to see if user has been in close contact with any COVID-19 positive cases avoiding the spread of the noval virus. 

How is location saved in BeAware Bahrain app?

The user location information is securely saved in BeAware Bahrain backend application and is used for COVID-19 related services ONLY. The location information is not used for any other purposes.

The data collected is automatically deleted in 30 days. The location information is permanently deleted and destroyed. 

Page Last Updated: 09 May, 2021