Food Safety and Security

The government’s efforts to ensure food safety and security for all.

Given the agricultural challenges faced by the Middle East region, food security is a pressing matter. It is central to sustainable development and growth, and the focus of a national strategy to boost local production and reduce dependence on food imports.

The Ministry of Industry and Commerce and the Ministry of Municipalities Affairs and Agriculture are working in tandem to support the agriculture and fisheries sectors, which are key to developing the nation’s long-term food security. In addition, the government is cooperating with other regional governments to achieve common goals in this area.

As a result of the government’s foresight, Bahrain is among the top 50 most food secure nations in the world.

Among the World’s Top 50 Most Food Secure Nations

Bahrain is listed among the top 50 most food secure nations, ranking 49th in the Global Food Security Index 2020. The report, conducted by the Economist Intelligence Unit, ranks 113 countries in food affordability, availability, quality and safety, and natural resources and resilience. Bahrain ranked 35th globally in affordability, 64th in availability, 44th in quality of food and 111th in natural resources and resilience.

99 percent of people in Bahrain have access to drinking water and know how to store food safely. No one in the country is living on or below the global poverty line, which is USD 3.20 per day. Bahrain scored 75.3 out of 100 for food supplies, while the world average was 60.4, and its irrigation infrastructure scored 46.5, well above the global average of 10.6.

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