Inclusive Decision Making

Engage all population segments in governmental decision processes to leave no one behind.

The Kingdom of Bahrain has introduced several initiatives and public engagement platforms to foster eParticipation and involve all members of society to contribute to national development and growth. 

The government is keen to shape its national development in a citizen-centric approach by adopting multiple eParticipation and public engagement initiatives including:  

The National Suggestion & Complaint System (Tawasul): An interactive crowdsourcing channel that aims to provide a one-stop-shop channel for the public to interact with governmental entities regarding any suggestion, complaint, or enquiry very easily and at the most convenience. Tawasul is featured with many technical advantages that streamline the case handling process by the government entity at a predefined Service-Level-Agreement (SLA).  

Idea Generation & Co-Creation Initiatives: The government of Bahrain has introduced multiple initiatives that foster ideation and public participation for the development of government and public services across the country. This includes Government Innovation Competition (Fikra) by the Prime Minister’s Office, Hackathons, Al Mustashar eService in eShabab mobile App.  

Digital Innovation Awards: Bahrain government has launched many competitive awards programs that encourage and foster innovation in public and community services such as eGovernment Excellence Award, by Information & eGovernment Authority (iGA), it is a national award to encourage digital transformation and innovation in the public and private sector as well as for best concept by individuals. The Digital Prosperity Awards, by Telecommunication Regulatory Authority (TRA) to Recognize Excellence in Digital Transformation in the government and business and non-profit organizations. The King Hamad Youth Empowerment Award to Achieve the SDGs, is a global award to recognize global initiatives by the youth across the globe in achieving SDG’s.  


Use the provided eServices immediately, effortlessly, and around the clock Go to eServices Portal.

Government Services Catalogue

Find information about the offered government services across different channels Browse Services Catalogue.

As we navigate through the digital age, Bahrain confirms its commitment to transparency and innovation through the Open Data initiative through Bahrain’s Open Data Portal. This platform is a testament to our dedication to making government data openly available, supporting the principles of accountability and enabling informed decision-making. By providing access to a treasure trove of data, we empower everyone to explore, analyze, and create solutions that drive social and economic progress. The initiative underscores our belief in the power of data to transform lives, foster a culture of knowledge-sharing, and stimulate growth.

We encourage you to leverage this valuable resource, sparking innovation and contributing to the Kingdom’s development. For an enriching journey into the world of Open Data, and to explore the possibilities, visit Bahrain’s Open Data Portal

Together, let's embrace the opportunity to contribute to Bahrain's digital evolution and ensure that our journey towards national development is a shared endeavor. 

As part of the Kingdom of Bahrain’s unwavering commitment to fostering digital participation, you are invited to explore the available participation topics. Your engagement and contributions are crucial in shaping the digital landscape of the Kingdom of Bahrain, reflecting our collective vision for a future built on the principles of innovation, inclusivity, and progress. Explore more on how you can actively participate in discussions, share your insights, and collaborate on initiatives that are at the heart of our nation's growth.

For a broader exploration of topics and to join the conversation, please visit eParticipation.  

Content Last Updated: 28 Aug, 2023

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