Proactive Digital Regulation

Embracing innovative regulatory frameworks to stimulate economic dynamism and SDG-linked industry innovations.

Bahrain’s ICT sector development forms a central element of Bahrain’s economic growth and innovation plans, enabling the development of multiple sectors and enhancing public service provision. With its well-established digital regulations and policies, Bahrain has emerged as an attractive proposition for digital initiatives and innovation.

The Information & eGovernment Authority (iGA) is the primary source of digital government-related policies, standards and guidelines for government entities, the digital economy, and emerging technologies. The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) is the chief regulator under the Telecommunications Law that underpins a vibrant and liberalized mobile telecoms market. The Central Bank of Bahrain overlooks Kingdom’s developments in digital financial services and agile regulatory framework that fosters FinTech and financial service innovation.

ICT Utilisation in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals

AI for Agriculture

The Kingdom of Bahrain has been utilizing various technologies to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in different sectors. One such example is the use of artificial intelligence techniques in agriculture to estimate the production of each palm tree, in line with SDG2 related to food security. This initiative has enabled researchers and investors to carry out further research in the field of food security.

Smart Cities

Bahrain has also initiated a movement towards smart cities through the New Urban Agenda issued by the UN-HABITAT. The goal is to make urban areas more efficient, liveable, and sustainable in the short and long term, with active participation from the public administration, citizens, and businesses. This smart cities movement accelerates achieving SDG 11, related to sustainable cities and communities.

Space Science and Technologies

Space science and technologies positively impact various sectors such as education, health, agriculture, technology, security, communications, and transportation, and can contribute to achieving the SDGs. In Bahrain, young national competencies have employed artificial intelligence techniques to automatically monitor all palm trees in the kingdom, contributing to the SDG2 target related to food security.

In addition, satellite imagery is used to monitor oil spills in the Arabian Gulf, using a combination of spatial and non-spatial information sources to predict and monitor their environmental impact and activate emergency and disaster plans. These examples demonstrate how harnessing ICT can support the achievement of the SDGs and contribute to a sustainable future.


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Government Services Catalogue

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As we navigate through the digital age, Bahrain confirms its commitment to transparency and innovation through the Open Data initiative through Bahrain’s Open Data Portal. This platform is a testament to our dedication to making government data openly available, supporting the principles of accountability and enabling informed decision-making. By providing access to a treasure trove of data, we empower everyone to explore, analyze, and create solutions that drive social and economic progress. The initiative underscores our belief in the power of data to transform lives, foster a culture of knowledge-sharing, and stimulate growth.

We encourage you to leverage this valuable resource, sparking innovation and contributing to the Kingdom’s development. For an enriching journey into the world of Open Data, and to explore the possibilities, visit Bahrain’s Open Data Portal.

Together, let's embrace the opportunity to contribute to Bahrain's digital evolution and ensure that our journey towards national development is a shared endeavor. 

As part of the Kingdom of Bahrain’s unwavering commitment to fostering digital participation, you are invited to explore the available participation topics. Your engagement and contributions are crucial in shaping the digital landscape of the Kingdom of Bahrain, reflecting our collective vision for a future built on the principles of innovation, inclusivity, and progress. Explore more on how you can actively participate in discussions, share your insights, and collaborate on initiatives that are at the heart of our nation's growth.

For a broader exploration of topics and to join the conversation, please visit eParticipation.  

Content Last Updated: 22 Aug, 2023

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