Service Directory

Collection of samples from new water pipes (contractors)

Collecting samples from new water pipelines before they are connected to the public network, ensuring the safety and security of water before consumption. The service also involves collecting samples after maintenance work has been carried out on tanks in sub-stations.

Required Attachments

  • A letter form (Water transmission directorate – EWA).
  • Request a sample (from the contractor)

Legal Regulations

  • Public Health Law No. (34) of 2018, Edict No. (13) and its Executive Regulations.

Process Time

  • 5 Working Days

Service Provider

Ministry of Health

Cooperative Entities

  • Electricity and Water Authority

Service Processes

  • Contractor submits a request to collect a sample, specifying the area or station
  • Attach a letter from the EWA Water Transmission Directorate
  • Prepare a permission for inspectors for station access by the contractor in cooperation with water transmission directorate. Name of inspector, personal information, vehicle identification number, and date of sample collected should be specified.
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