Service Directory

Entry permit to bring vegetable products and plants with travelers coming to the Kingdom

The service is provided to travelers coming through the Kingdom’s ports in coordination with the Customs Affairs as well as through the post, with the aim of limiting the entry and spread of agricultural pests accompanying those consignment to the Kingdom of Bahrain. The quarantine procedures and requirements stipulated in the Agricultural Quarantine Law and relevant ministerial resolutions should be applied.

Required Attachments

  • A trust receipt issued by the Customs Affairs

Legal Regulations

  • Ministerial Resolution No. (1) of 2004 regarding the import of agricultural consignments and its amendments.
  • Law No. (5) of 2003 ratifying the Agricultural Quarantine Law for the Gulf Cooperation Council States and its amendments
  • Law No. (5) of 2003 ratifying the Agricultural Quarantine Law for the Gulf Cooperation Council States and its amendments
  • Law No. (48) of 2009 ratifying the International Plant Protection Convention

Process Time

  • 1 Working Day

Service Provider

Ministry of Municipalities Affairs and Agriculture

Cooperative Entities

  • Ministry of Works
  • Ministry of Interior - Customs Affairs

Service Processes

  • Treating the consignment, if possible, at the departments headquarters in Budaiya.
  • Re-exporting the consignment
  • Destroying the consignment
  • The service represents one of the stages of customs release process, which is supervised by the customs affairs. The provision of the service and the time of completion depend mainly on customs affairs in all previous stages of the shipment inspection by the agricultural quarantine inspector.
  • The customs inspector seizes the plant consignments, pesticides and fertilizers accompanying travelers or in postal parcels to be presented later to the agricultural quarantine inspector.
  • In case the consignment conforms to the agricultural quarantine legislation, the consignment is agriculturally released by filling in the examination form of an incoming agricultural consignment. This form should be handed over to the customs broker to complete the procedures with the customs affairs.
  • In case the consignment violates the agricultural quarantine legislations, one of the following procedures is taken according to the nature of the violation, in coordination with the Customs Affairs
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