Service Directory

National employment registration

This service allows the registration of national employees (Bahrainis and GCC nationals) electronically in the Social Insurance Organization’s records. This service is linked to the system of the Ministry of Labour and Social Development and the Information and eGovernment Authority. It eliminates the need for in-person attendance to submit papers to the Ministry of Labour and the Social Insurance Organization, and also enables the employer to follow up on the application electronically through to its completion. Email notifications are sent when the transaction is completed.

Required Attachments

  • Attach the employment contract
  • Attach a copy of the passport for GCC nationals who do not have a Bahraini Identity Card
  • Attach a copy of the Identity Card for GCC nationals
  • Attach a copy of the insurance protection extension form for GCC nationals
  • Attach a copy of the salary progression letter for GCC nationals

Legal Regulations

  • Chapter Two of Title Three of the Social Insurance Law promulgated by Decree-Law No. (24) of 1976

Process Time

  • 1 Working Day

Service Provider

Social Insurance Organization

Cooperative Entities

  • Information & eGovernment Authority
  • Ministry of Labour

Service Processes

  • Log in to the Organization’s website
  • Enter the user code and the password for the employer
  • Select the service of adding national labour from “National Worker Registration”
  • Follow the instructions on the page

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