Service Directory

Tide Gauge Records

A total of 13 stations to monitor sea levels have been installed along the coast of Bahrain. These solar-powered stations measure the sea level every 10 minutes using a laser. The data, which is collected annually, is analysed using specific algorithms to provide sea level projections for the following year. Tide Gauge Records are then sold to enable seafarers to be aware of sea levels.

Legal Regulations

  • Ministerial Resolution No. (10) of 2017, Article No. (4)
  • Ministerial Resolution No. (10) of 2017, Article No. (5)


  • 4 BD

Process Time

  • 1 Working Day

Service Provider

Survey and Land Registration Bureau

Service Processes

  • The buyer reports to the relevant department in person
  • The buyer pays for the Tide Gauge Records
  • The Tide Gauge Records are delivered to the buyer
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