Service Directory

Issuance of an employment office license

This service is provided to individuals who wants to obtain a preliminary approval to issue an employment office license. It allows the licensee to search for a suitable worker for an employer and facilitate the conclusion of an employment contract between the two parties. It includes the employment of domestic workers and the providing services to various companies and institutions in order to employ foreign workers to fill certain jobs with those companies or institutions. It also includes the employment of Bahrainis. The issuance of the license is in two stages, the initial approval stage and the license issuance stage. The license applicant can practice the activity after the license is issued by the LMRA, which is has a one year validity ,whereas need to be annually renewed .

Service Conditions

  • The application is subject to the provisions, laws, regulations, bylaws and decisions issued by the concerned executive authorities in the Kingdom of Bahrain.
  • The applicant must be Bahraini citizen or a business owner of a (commercial register ) fully owned by a Bahraini citizen.
  • Payment of all fees due to LMRA.
  • The license applicant, licensee or business owner should not breach any of the essential obligations imposed by the laws of regulating the labour market , regulations, bylaws & decisions issued to implement them .
  • That the license applicant has not previously been issued an employment office license which has been revoked in accordance with the provisions of the law
  • Payment of fines imposed on him according to final verdicts in accordance with the provisions of the law regulating the labour market .
  • That the license applicant or licensee does not have a commercial activity that contradicts the activity required by the administrative requirements for granting the license.
  • The license applicant must not be registered as an employee in the Social Insurance Organization .
  • The license applicant must pass the interview by the concerned personnel in LMRA .
  • The employment office must be personally managed by the licensee himself . The licensee is responsible for attending LMRA when necessary .
  • Providing temporary and adequate housing, the company and supervision of a female if the activity of employing domestic workers is requested . Notifying LMRA immediately upon any changes in the housing address or the housing supervisor.
  • Practicing the activity at the licensed premises appearing in the license . The activity is not to be practiced with other commercial activities, except for related similar activities according to the administrative requirements for granting the licence.
  • Depositing ten thousand dinars as a financial guarantee with the LMRA.
  • The licensee must not use the commercial premises for housing domestic workers.
  • Placing the license certificate in a evident place at the premises the activity is being practiced in as well as the place of temporary housing for females.
  • Notify the authority immediately when the data contained in the application is changed or updated, or immediately upon liquidation of its activity, declaration of bankruptcy, or cancellation of the commercial register in the Ministry of Industry & Commerce.
  • Enabling LMRA and its inspectors to enter the employment office premises or the residence designated for domestic workers at any time.
  • Obliging to use approved contract templates issued by LMRA and to use the tripartite contract for domestic workers .
  • The license shall expire upon the expiry of its original or renewed duration.The licensee must submit an application for renewal as per the same procedures and stipulated conditions, not more than sixty days before the License’s expiry and not less than 30 days before .
  • The license will be revoked if the licensee obtains the license based on false or incorrect data or documents , if one of the conditions for granting the license is not met, or in the event of an incriminating conviction , defamation crime , or trust related convictions .
  • The amount of the financial guarantee deposited in LMRA’s account shall be refunded three months after the date license was revoked, according to administrative procedures.

Required Attachments

Documents required for initial approval

  • Filling out the application form for issuing an employment office license.
  • A bank account statement in the name of the license’s applicant or in the name of one of the establishments wholly owned by him containing the amount of the guarantee amounting to ten thousand Bahraini dinars.

Documents required to issue a license

  • A good conduct certificate in the name of the applicant of the license, issued by the Ministry of Interior.
  • A copy a valid commercial register’s certificate
  • A copy a valid lease contract for the office premises and temporary housing for females.
  • A copy of a recent electricity bill for the office and temporary housing for females.
  • The approval of the Ministry of Health confirming the suitability of the temporary housing for females.

Further notes on the required documents

  • A copy of the memorandum of association if it is a company
  • Copies of good conduct certificates for all the partners if it were a company

Legal Regulations

  • Law No. (19) of 2006 regulating the labour market
  • Resolution No. (1) of 2014 regulating licenses for employment offices.
  • Article No. (28, 29)


  • 200 BD : The license fees are to be paid in the Labour Market Regulatory Authority after the licence issuance approval .

Process Time

  • 60 Working Days

Service Provider

Labour Market Regulatory Authority

Cooperative Entities

  • Ministry of Industry and Commerce

Service Processes

  • Submitting an application via Sijilat’s system of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce
  • The application is transferred to the Labour Market Regulatory Authority to issue a license for paracticing the activity of an employment office
  • LMRA will verify if all the required documents were attached. If the application does not meet the requirements, it will be rejected and returned to the applicant to complete the missing documents
  • The applicant is informed of the approval or rejection of the application via the Sijilat system
  • Depositing 10,000 Bahraini Dinars as a financial guarantee with the Labour Market Regulatory Authority after obtaining the initial approval to issue the license

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